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Welcome, New & Returning Roosevelt Families! The start of the school year can get quite hectic, with information flying at you left and right. Our goal is to provide you with a reliable source of concise & relevant information to keep you informed of not only the important Principal announcements, but also all the fun community events that really make our school community special.

During this past year of distance learning, we’ve really learned how digital communication can help us stay connected when face-to-face is limited. Online communication platforms have turned into a tried and true way to communicate school-wide information. We post important Principal’s messages, School-wide events, Community fundraising opportunities, parent interest groups to join—it’s really a great way to understand the depth of what the Roosevelt community has to offer.

teddy times

The Teddy Times is our parent-volunteer run school-wide email newsletter. We strive to provide timely, relevant, concise, and informative emails for the duration of the academic year. None of our emails are auto-generated or contain click-based tracking advertisements. All the promotional advertisements we include are for community-building events, or fundraisers that go directly to our school, or district, as specified. You can expect one weekly digest of the upcoming week’s events, Principal’s announcements, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising opportunities, published each Sunday at noon. Occasionally, we may send 1-2 additional emails during the week to alert you of an important meeting, or to deliver a Zoom link for an event.
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter →

roosevelt pta website

The Roosevelt PTA website is intended to be the main hub of information for all things Roosevelt. While the Teddy Times contains all the newest information week-to-week in digestible bits, the website houses full event details, parent resources, and other ongoing information.
Why is there a SMMUSD Website and PTA Website? The SMMUSD Roosevelt website is a District-run website that houses the most up-to-date information for all things administrative, including enrollment, lunch menus, and District sponsored activities. Our Roosevelt PTA website is a parent-volunteer run hub of information for our community and PTA sponsored events. It is very flexible, updates frequently, and information is curated based on feedback from you, our community!

Roosevelt PTA calendar

The Roosevelt PTA calendar is the school’s main calendar of events, including important meetings, school closures, and planned events.
Bookmark this link:

A special communication from your Principal or Superintendent, sent by phone, email and/or text messages to every family at Roosevelt on an as-needed basis. You are automatically enrolled in Blackboard connect based on contact information you have on file when you enrolled. To change the contact info you have on file, please contact the front office:

Room Reps

Your class Room Reps are your source for classroom-specific extra activities and events. Room Reps send email communications on an as-needed basis, and include teacher-supported classroom celebrations, out-of-school playdate meetups, requests for class fund or supplies donations, or other volunteer opportunities. Your Room Reps will be collecting parent contact info during the first couple weeks of school. If you haven’t heard from your Room Rep by September, please let us know and we’ll connect you!
Room Rep Lead:

Wednesday folders

Your teacher will be sending home a Wednesday Folder with your child. Check this folder each Wednesday, for important news from your teacher, PTA flyers, School forms, and your child’s completed work to keep at home. Be sure to remind your child to return the emptied folder each week, according to your teacher’s instructions.


As a new SMMUSD parent, you will receive a welcome email from Peachjar that includes a username and password. This is provided so that you can manage your account and flyer delivery preferences. You don’t need to login to receive or view school digital flyers. Flyers will be automatically sent to your inbox. Don’t want to receive flyers by email? You can unsubscribe at any time. If you are not receiving or want to opt back in, visit and subscribe to schools you choose.
More Info at →

Social Media

Here are a few unofficial & official Roosevelt Parent social media groups. Please consider these as secondary sources of information, as we do not have a dedicated volunteer to maintain them.

We are currently seeking a parent-volunteer Social Media Manager to join our Communications team!
Email Trinedy for more info:

Support Roosevelt & The PTA

Roosevelt Elementary PTA © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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