Support Roosevelt Elementary
The suggested district-wide ask is $750 per child. We ask that families donate an amount that is meaningful to them. Our community is built from a varied range of circumstances, and that diversity is what makes this a truly wonderful place to live.

pta annual giving
Our annual goal is to raise $400 per student. Annual Giving pays for things we take for granted – desks and chairs, SmartBoards, computers, field trips, and our campus – things not funded by the State or District. Every gift counts, no matter the size.
Thanks to generous contributions to the Ed Foundation, Roosevelt students benefit from the following programs and resources:
- Arts classes for all students
- Instructional Assistants (helping with small group instruction, reading intervention, social-emotional support, and more)
- Staff training with Columbia University Teachers College
Responsive Classroom training (social-emotional learning) - Educational speaker
- Recorders for 3rd graders
- Music lessons and instruments for qualifying students
- Additional library books and materials
The Roosevelt PTA counts on you for your continued support in providing the best possible learning environment for all children. Your donation is used toward our PTA operating expenses to fund things like, educational software, campus beautification, and teacher stipends for classroom supplies. We also use funds to advocate for our children and every child in the SMMUSD family by recommending action on legislation.
- Ongoing technology upgrades and educational (math/reading/typing) software programs
- Classroom supplies like paper, folders, tissues, paper towels, wipes
- Furniture (tables and desks)
- Other equipment like printers, copiers
- Improvements to the school environment such as trees, seating, and shade
- Special programs, field trips, and assemblies
Thank you for your Generous Donations!
Santa Monica Education Foundation Donors
PTA Annual Giving Donors

Updated Jan 22nd. 2024
Updated Jan. 22nd 2024
Should I give to both Ed Foundation and the PTA at my school?
YES, please donate to both the Ed Foundation and your PTA! We’re all in this together. Both PTA and the Ed Foundation are critical funding sources for local schools.
Donations to the Ed Foundation pay for staff and programs during the school day at all Santa Monica schools. The Ed Foundation is the only organization that can fundraise for these programs. The district made the decision to centralize fundraising for these programs to ensure that every student has equitable access to quality enrichment programs and to correct human resource liability issues arising from nonprofits hiring additional staff. All annual donations to the Ed Foundation are granted to the district to be spent on staff and programs. For more information about this district policy, Mission and History section on the Ed Foundation’s website.
Roosevelt PTA raises funds for necessary “stuff” such as supplies, equipment and assemblies at their school sites. Donating to both the Ed Foundation and PTA is very important.