Roosevelt Reads - Let's Play Ball!
Your reading adventure starts here!
What is Roosevelt Reads? Roosevelt Reads is a monthlong reading challenge and PTA fundraiser that promotes literacy, creates good reading habits, and raises needed funds for programs that benefit all Roosevelt students.
When is Roosevelt Reads? Fundraising and reading begin on Monday, February 3rd and run through Saturday, March 1st. All money raised must be turned in by Friday, March 7th to be eligible for the prizes.
How do students participate in Roosevlet Reads? During Roosevelt Reads, every kid in the school maintains a weekly reading log for four weeks. There are activities and incentives throughout the month to encourage more reading. Younger students, who are not independent readers yet, can log “being read to” time and time spent sitting and looking at a book.
Students can get sponsors to make pledges for their reading time or a flat donation. Sponsors are typically parents, family members, close friends and neighbors, and parentsʼ work associates. Some parents share their donation link on social media to help their child gather donations. No child should go door-to-door. Cash, check, and online donations are accepted. Register your student at PledgeStar to receive your personalized online donation link: https://pledgestar.com/roosevelt90403/a/familyinstructions.html
Record all donations on your sponsor envelope. Any amount of money raised will help our school and is greatly appreciated!
All sponsor envelopes, donations, and completed reading logbooks and prize sheets must be turned into your homeroom teacher or the main office by Friday, March 7th to be eligible for prizes. Also don’t forget to design and turn in your Pennant Color Sheet to have it included in the yearbook.
Who wins prizes? Roosebelt Reads is baseball-themed this year. All students will cross First Base and receive a classroom celebration and squishy ball. Raise money to earn the prizes at each subsequent base as you try to make your way to Home Plate! Hit your Reading and Fundraising Goals out of the Park!
What can I do to be involved? Motivate your child to read for 20-40 minutes each day. Read to younger students. Look at the activity sheet with your child and encourage them to maximize their participation!
If you have any questions or would like more information contact chair, Caroline Mayes, at ccmayes@gmail.com
Register for Pledgestar Here!
Register your readers at PledgeStar to receive your personalized donation link to send to friends, family, and co-workers and post to socials.
Important Dates
Jan 31 | Used Book Sale on the Montana Lawn, 1:30-4pm
Feb 3 | Roosevelt Reads Kickoff
Feb 3 – 7 l Reading Dugout; Lounge Volunteers Needed
Feb 11 | TK/K/1st Grade PJ Night, 5-7pm, RSVP link coming soon
Mar 1 | Last day to log Reading!
Mar 7 | Deadline to turn in Packets & Donations
2025 Activities & Events
Record all the reading you do each day during and after school. Any type of reading counts including reading silently, reading aloud, being read to or listening to an audiobook. Total your minutes each week to track your progress. You will return your completed log inside your sponsor envelope at the end of the month.
Reading Lounge – Monday, February 3 through Friday, February 7
During the first week of Roosevelt Reads, the auditorium will be transformed into Roosevelt Stadium. Students can visit the Dugout with a good book during lunch recess. There could be a surprise reader some days! Special THANKS to the inventive Elizabeth Leggio for creating this year’s theme and lounge design.
Class Goals – All Month
This year each class will set a special reading goal for their classroom and work together all month to earn a classroom reward. Your teacher will fill you in on the details for your class.
Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R) – All Month
Keep a book close by. During school hours at any time Dr. Onyendu or your teacher could announce that it is time to “Drop Everything And Read!”
Double-Hitter Reading Wednesdays – February 5, 12, 19 & 26
Each Wednesday you have an opportunity to double your reading minutes by reading aloud to your biggest fans. You can read in-person, through video chat (Zoom, FaceTime, etc.) or on the phone. Parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and stuffies all make great audiences. Once you finish reading, record it on your reading log and double your time.
PJ Reading Night (TK – 1st Grade) – Tuesday, February 11 from 5-7 p.m.
This special reading night is for TK, kindergarten, and first grade students and families. Get in your pajamas early and come back to school for special read alouds with some of your favorite teachers. There will be a special treat to take home. Sign up in advance on the Roosevelt Reads web page. THANKS to Morgan Smith for organizing this special event.
Team Pennant Design Yearbook Entry – Due by Friday, March 7
Show your team spirit by designing your favorite book character’s “team flag.” Use the included coloring sheet and return it inside your sponsor envelope by Friday, March 7 to be included in the yearbook.
Zibby’s Bookshop Give Back – February 5 through February 19
Get some new books to read and support Roosevelt 5th graders and a local business. Zibby’s Bookshop will be giving 10% of sales back to Roosevelt. Just mention Roosevelt when shopping. The money raised will support our fifth graders’ end-of-year activities.
Earn Prizes! – End of Roosevelt Reads
At the end of the month, add up all your reading hours and donations to see the prizes you earned.
1 hour of reading = 1 point, $1 raised = 1 point
Add up your points and mark your level on your prize sheet. You will earn the prizes listed at each base you pass.
Make sure to clearly fill in all the information on this sheet and return it in your sponsor envelope by March 7. Prizes will be distributed after Spring Recess. *Prizes are subject to change due to availability. Substitutions may be made with items of similar value.
Download Packet here:
All Roosevelt Students will receive a printed packet with all the materials needed to participate in this event. If you have lost any of your printed materials, you may download and print from home, or contact Roosevelt Reads chair, Caroline Mayes, for assistance at ccmayes@gmail.com. Special THANKS to the talented Emily Watts for designing this year’s packet materials.
Thank you, Tumbleweed Day Camp!
On behalf of our students and staff, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Tumbleweed Day Camp for generously sponsoring Roosevelt Reads including end-of-event classroom parties, prizes, and more! Your support has made a lasting impact, encouraging a love for reading while making the event even more exciting and memorable. We truly appreciate your commitment to fostering community engagement and supporting our educational efforts.
Thank you again for your continued generosity and for being such an important part of our journey!
Warm regards,
Roosevelt Elementary PTA
“Tumbleweed has been an oasis, a summer dream, a haven for childhood play for over 70 years. Here at camp, we believes that exploring, playing, and being unplugged from technology are three ingredients that help each of us be happier. From all of us at Tumbleweed, we are excited to welcome YOU into our family.”