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reflections art program






THEME: Accepting Imperfection

The Reflections Art Program has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program that encourages artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. All Roosevelt students are invited to interpret this year’s theme using Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Reflections welcomes submissions from all grade levels and abilities.

Turn in all submission by the October 15th deadline. Make sure to include a robust artist statement as it is an important component of the art. Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the theme may be submitted. Students may submit artwork in one (or more) artistic categories. Each entry must be the original work of one student only. An adult may not alter the creative integrity of a student’s work. Because the program is designed to encourage and recognize each student’s individual creativity, help from an adult or collaboration with other students is not allowed except in the Accessible Arts Division. Only one student may be recognized as the award recipient for each entry. Other individuals may appear in or perform a student’s work, but the work itself must be the creative product of one student only. 

We would like to showcase original art at the art show, if you too would like that please turn your originals in to the Reflections box at the Front Office. Make sure to submit online above to be entered. A student art show celebration will occur in Winter, dates will be announced. Reflections Committee or artist is to hold onto original artwork till program completion. Finalist originals will be sent to CAPTA. *If online submission is not possible, paper submission forms are in Front Office. 

For more information or to volunteer. Please email us. Judges and Art Show Helpers are needed to help with the students art submissions. Thank you for helping to make this a special event for Roosevelt students.

Important dates 

      • Submission Deadline October 15 

      • Reflections Art Show  To Be Announced  




    Artworks are judged and then sent on to PTA councils and then PTA districts for consideration. The final artworks submitted to California State PTA by districts are then considered for Outstanding Interpretation, Awards of Excellence or Awards of Merit. Outstanding Interpretation and Award of Excellence entries then go on to represent California in the final National PTA judging round.

    There are six arts categories—dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Students may enter the National PTA Reflections Program in one or more arts categories. See each arts category rules for additional entry requirements.

    Accessible Arts

    Artists follow the general rules and relevant arts category guidelines, modified only by accommodations for their disability. The accommodations, in general, should be both specific and limited to the student’s disability. Use of adaptive technology is allowed. Individuals providing support may assist with typing, holding a camera, etc. but may not be involved in the artistic process. The division will not be divided by age or traditional school grade level.

    Dance Choreography

    Solo and ensemble works of all dance styles are accepted. Entrant must be the choreographer and may also be the performer, or one of the performers. If background music is used, cite it on the entry form. See Official Rules for copyright details. Video file must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1,000 MB (1,000 megabyte) in file size and be in MP4, MOV, or AVI format.

    Film Production

    Accepted short film styles include: Animation, narrative, documentary, experimental or media presentation. Use of PowerPoint is prohibited. Entrant must be the screenwriter, cinematographer, editor and producer. If background music is used, cite it on the entry form. See Official Rules for copyright details. Video file must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1,000 MB (1,000 megabyte) in file size and be in MP4, MOV, or AVI format.


    Accepted forms of fiction and nonfiction include prose, poetry, reflective essay, screen play and play script, narrative, and short story. Entrants may write in their primary language as long as an interpretive English translation is also attached. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Writing must not exceed 2,000 words and may be handwritten or typed. Accepted formats: Single-sided print on 8 1⁄2×11” paper, PDF file.

    Visual Arts

    Works of both fine and design arts are accepted, including but not limited to: architectural drawing and models, ceramics, collage, digital art and graphics (drawings/paintings/illustration), crafts, drawing, fashion clothes and jewelry, fiber work, mixed media, painting, printmaking and sculpture. See Official Rules for copyright details. 2D artworks must be no larger than 24×30 inches with matting. Framed entries are not accepted. Include one digital image of artwork with your submission. 3D artwork submissions must contain 3 digital images of artwork at different angles. Image(s) are used for artwork identification, judging and exhibition purposes. Accepted file formats: JPEG, JPG, and PNG.

    Music Composition

    All music styles and combinations of instrumentation are accepted. Entrant must be the composer and may also be the performer, or one of the performers. Software may be used to produce an audio recording. Entries containing algorithmic composition techniques are not accepted. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. An audio recording of the composition must be included and must not exceed 5 minutes in length and 1,000 MB (1,000 megabyte) in file size. Accepted audio file formats include: MP3 and WAV. Notation (score/tablature) in PDF format is only required for middle and high school divisions. In place of a notated score entrant may include a written reflective statement that provides a musically technical explanation of how you wrote the music (100 words or less).


    Photo must be a single print/digital image. Collages and collections of photos are not accepted. Entrant must be the photographer and may use a variety of digital editing techniques including but not limited to, multiple exposure, negative sandwich and photogram. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Print image dimensions must be no smaller than 3×5 inches and no larger than 8×10 inches. Accepted print formats: Mounted on mat or poster board no larger than 11×14 inches. Framed prints are not accepted. Digital image dimensions must be at least 640×960 (pixels) and 300 dpi (resolution). Accepted file formats: JPEG, JPG, and PNG.


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