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Roosevelt Reads – Let’s Play Ball!

Roosevelt Reads is our school’s month-long reading challenge AND PTA’s biggest fundraiser. Student packets went home Friday, January 31st, and the reading begins Monday, Feb 3. Be sure to register your reader(s) at PledgeStar to receive your family’s personalized donation link to share with friends, family, and socials.

PledgeStar is an awesome web-based fundraising system called that makes it much easier for you to request pledges from your family and friends and for them to make secure credit card donations online. It’s fun, it’s easy, and people who use it typically raise twice as much as those who don’t! Please register now to help our school raise as much as we can for supplemental books, supplies and software for classrooms, the school library, and the PE department, and for school community programs and events, such as the Scripps Spelling Bee, Destination Imagination, the Back To School Picnic, Fun Run, and so much more!

Using your computer or phone’s browser:

*Go to:

*Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”

*Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”

*Follow the instructions on-screen to register Reader(s) and add family and friends

When you finish, the system will be able to email pledge requests to your family and friends, allowing them to make secure credit card donations online, and you’ll receive a personalized link to use as well. You get notified each time a pledge is made, and you can track your pledge progress online.

Get ready to read, read, read!!!


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