Science and ENGINEERING Fair
Saturday, April 27 at 1:00 - 3:00pm
Roosevelt’s Science Fair is coming up at the end of April. We need help setting up and on the day. Sign up here!
Wow us with your own ideas & scientific discoveries:
Have ideas but have never participated in a Science Fair? Love Science, but don’t know how to get started? We’ve got your back! Here are the details and instructions to get you on your way!
Step 1:
Pick up a poster board at Popcorn Friday or anytime in the front office. Or create your own display.
Step 2:
Choose a project. Projects can take many forms: creating an experiment to test your hypothesis, using your engineering skills to build a cool contraption, or researching and reporting on a scientific topic. For Ideas, visit: https://www.education.com/science-fair/ You can use the menu on the right to search for a project by grade level.
Step 3:
Perform your experiment at home and record your results
Step 4:
Make a poster to showcase your project. Include pictures or drawings.
Posters are due April 25th. Drop off in the office.
Important Dates:
Lunchtime Leading up to the event | Keep an eye out for science-themed lunchtime activities to get you inspired to create your own!
THU Apr 25 | Science Fair Boards are due!
SAT Apr 27 at 1pm | Science Fair Exhibition
Use the Scientific Method to Create Your Project!
- Come up with a question within an area of science that interests you.
- Make a hypothesis (a statement that you can test) to help you answer your question.
- State the purpose of the experiment you design to test your hypothesis.
- Design procedures to perform the experiment.
- Write down what happens. This is your data.
- Analyze the data to get the results of the experiment.
- Based on the results, make conclusions about your hypothesis!

Elizabeth Urquhart
Science Fair Chair