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Parent volunteer opportunities

Roosevelt is a vibrant and positive learning community, in large part due to our dedicated and 100% volunteer-powered PTA/Booster Club organization. In order for our PTA to be fully effective and representative of our school, parent involvement is essential. There are many ways that you can help out, we can always use extra hands. Your ideas, your time, your talents and your voice are all vital to our success. We can match your schedule and interests to needed tasks. By volunteering at our school, you will enjoy interacting with our kids, become friends with other parents, and accomplish things that truly make a difference.

Ed Foundation / Annual Giving

Ed Foundation and Annual Giving Volunteers help us reach our fundraising goals by tracking our progress, keeping us informed of givebacks, handing out fliers and answering questions. They also implement creative ways and social gatherings to encourage donations.

Wellness Committee

In the spring of 2019, the Roosevelt PTA voted to add a Wellness Committee to its PTA as an official advocacy group for our children.  The Wellness Committee finds ways to cultivate a healthier environment at Roosevelt such as adding filtered water bottle filling stations, offering healthier snacks at Popcorn Fridays, planning activities around our school gardens, nutritional and mindful health education and much more.  If health and wellness is your passion, particularly when it comes to our children, we hope you’ll join us!


Love to be the first to know about upcoming events and activities in our school? Want to volunteer, but need to work at your own schedule? Roosevelt Communications Team might be a perfect fit for you! Teddy Times email newsletters, PTA Website, Social Media, Event Banners, Flyers, and Print Media. If you have general computer proficiency, or even if you just like posting on Social Media, please lend a hand!
Art + Design or Technology background is a plus, but not required!

Gardening Angels

Most classrooms have gardens outside their doors and we are looking for a few green thumbs to cultivate and grow this committee. If you enjoy fresh air and getting your hands in the dirt, consider sharing your love of the garden with our students. When it’s time for the kids to pick a bouquet or taste a school-grown salad, the fruits of your labor will be more than a successful crop of veggies and blooms! Ideas on how to better use our green spaces and assist our teachers with their classroom gardens are welcome. Currently volunteers are permitted on campus outside of school hours.

School Beautification

Taking pride in our school campus is shown in every painted tile, stepping stone and mural at Roosevelt. Do you have an eye for art and design? Are you crafty? We are looking for new committee members to share their creativity and continue the tradition of incorporating art and imagination on our grounds. Consider sharing your talents to create a beautiful environment for our kids. The School Beautification Team often works closely with the Garden Angels.

Green Team

Roosevelt is committed to being a sustainable community and the Green Team is “under construction!” That means, if you are an environmentally conscious individual, we welcome you to help shape the “green” initiatives that can make a difference at Roosevelt and in our community. Bike It/Walk It to School and recycling are just a few projects that fall under the Green Team.

Yearbook Committee

A year in the life of our Roosevelt students is captured in our beautiful Yearbook thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers. We need photographers, editors, proofreaders, graphic designers and coordinators to work throughout the year to meet publisher deadlines as well as someone to organize the 5th Grade Tribute pages. Sales and distribution help is needed when the finished yearbooks arrive. This committee is a great way to share your creative talents from home or in the evenings.

Popcorn Fridays

One of the quintessential Roosevelt traditions is getting an after school snack on Friday for rock bottom prices. Volunteers are needed every week to pop popcorn and set up and sell the snacks on most Fridays throughout the year from 1:15 pm until 3:30 pm. Kindergarten families can take the first shift and are done before the big kids are dismissed. This Friday afternoon locale is where we also sell tickets to upcoming events, sell our Spirit Wear and have other info available.

Lunchtime Activities

Not every child wants to play soccer or handball at lunchtime recess. Join our parent volunteers to set up and facilitate Legos, arts and crafts and the Serenity Garden during lunchtime recess. This ongoing committee needs helpers throughout the year so you can volunteer at your convenience or commit to a weekly schedule. Suggestions for additional activities are welcome.


Come by Popcorn Fridays all year to purchase logo tees and sweatshirts. Every year, we have a new crop of designs, along with some classics. We love to see everyone wearing their Roosevelt gear! Currently we are working to make Spirit Wear available online.

5th Grade Activities

Parents of 5th graders team up during their child’s final year at Roosevelt to organize and run a variety of fundraising activities to benefit the 5th grade. Bake sales, Late Start Breakfasts, book sales and more all raise money to sponsor 5th grade activities: The Culmination Ceremony, Field Day and the 5th grade graduation party, held the final week of school. Fifth grade families are invited to participate on this committee in support of your graduating 5th graders.

Big Event Committees

Book Fair

Roosevelt teams up with Scholastic Books to bring two week-long book fairs to our students. The sales earn thousands of dollars for our school each year. The Fall Fair will be virtual. The spring fair is located in the Library. There are many opportunities to help out, from setup and breakdown, assisting students while shopping for “just right” books, to manning the registers in shifts. Each book fair needs 50+ volunteers.

Reflections Art Program

PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Students of all grades and abilities may participate and explore the arts based on the theme set by the national program in the areas of Visual Arts, Literature, Dance Choreography, Music Composition, Photography and Film Production. Artworks are submitted first to school level PTAs, where they are celebrated and judged by five-grade-level divisions, while a non- judged Special Artists division celebrates student artists with special needs. The selected entries are then sent on to councils and then districts for consideration. The final artworks submitted to California State PTA are then considered for Awards of Excellence or Awards of Merit. Award of Excellence entries go on to represent California in the National PTA judging round.

Pier Pleasure

For one night Roosevelt takes over Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier and attendees get unlimited rides. This exclusive event is one of the most anticipated of the year and needs a team of 10+ volunteers for advance ticket sales and check-in on the night of the event.

Poker Night / Casino Social

Welcome to an evening of high stakes fun and an unforgettable Parent’s Night Out.  Buy-in includes gambling chips, food, and drink tickets.  Volunteers are needed for this event for advanced ticket sales, check in on the night and set-up and clean-up of the event itself.

Online Auction

Bid on a variety of items during the online action: tickets to premier events, vacation get-aways, camp admissions, and more. The online auction will also feature unique gift items and local restaurant gift cards. Bid on experiences for your child with their teacher such as Teacher for a Day or Ice Cream Social or lunch with our principal. This online event needs volunteers to solicit donations, collect and post online auction items and distribute the items to the winning bidders.

Pets of Roosevelt Calendar

Students submit your cute, funny or beautiful pet photos for Roosevelt first ever Pet Calendar.  Volunteers will collect student photo submissions and create a calendar.  Volunteers are also needed to sell the calendar. This calendar will make a great holiday gift.

Holiday Toy Drive

Roosevelt contributes to our local fire department’s Toy Drive by collecting new, unwrapped toys during the holidays. Our students proudly present the toys during an assembly when the SMFD arrives on the Big Yard in one of their big red fire trucks. 5+ Volunteers are needed to coordinate the Toy Drive.


The Read-a-thon runs the  full month of February and is a Roosevelt community event as well as a big fundraiser that encourages reading through a series of fun events. The Reading Lounge, Pajama Night and visits from celebrated authors keep kids motivated to dive into reading. To raise money, students collect sponsors to donate based on the number of minutes read. Every student who participates is eligible to win a prize. Volunteers are needed to plan the event and award prizes.

Science Fair

The annual Science Fair will be held in spring and continues the tradition of providing our students with a place to display their understanding of the “Scientific Method.” All students are encouraged to participate. We need science-minded volunteers to organize the fair, provide students with poster boards, information and guidance as well as secure a panel of “judges” for the day of the fair. Volunteers also arrange for Santa Monica College students to present science demonstrations in advance of the fair to inspire our students’ own experiments.

Talent Show

Come one, come all to enjoy a spectacular evening of entertainment with our talented Roosevelt students! Singers, dancers, comedians and instrumentalists strut their stuff in one star-studded event. Volunteers are needed to help plan, direct and produce this event.

Family Dance

Put on your dancing shoes and dress to impress at the annual Roosevelt Family Dance. Beyond a traditional Daddy Daughter Dance, this special evening invites all family members to dance the night away and create lasting memories. Volunteers are needed for advance planning and the night of the dance.


Ready, set, go it’s time for Roosevelt’s Jogathon.  The Jogathon is a fun community building event that promotes wellness and fitness by encouraging students and their families to get outside, move and explore our neighborhood. It is also one of Roosevelt’s final fundraisers of the year. Volunteers are needed to help plan the event and host fit zones at their homes.

Camping on Campus

Our city kids don’t all have backyards to pitch a tent in with their classmates, but Roosevelt does! We invite all students to come enjoy a cookout, outdoor games and sleep (okay, not a lot of sleeping happens) under the stars on the Big Yard. We need 25+ volunteers to organize, sell advance tickets (at Popcorn Fridays), set-up and clean-up this fun event.


More info, coming soon!

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Roosevelt Elementary PTA © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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